Hello!  Thanks for stopping by to take my breathing test.  For each of the statements below, rate yourself on how often you feel that sensation in your body:

Never = you had no experience of this symptom over the last two weeks

Rarely = you experienced this symptom less than once a week

Sometimes = you experienced this symptom about 2-3 times a week

Often = you experienced this symptom most days

Very Often = you experienced this symptom every day, or more than once a day


Required fields are marked *

1.Chest Pain *
2.Blurry Vision *
3.Dizziness *
4.Confusion or Loss of Touch with Reality *
5.Fast and/or Shallow Breathing *
6.Shortness of Breath (feeling winded too quickly under exertion) *
7.Tightness Across Chest *
8.Bloated Sensation in Stomach *
9.Tingling in Fingers and Hands *
10.Difficulty Breathing or Taking Deep Breaths *
11.Stiffness or Cramps in Fingers and Hands *
12.Tightness Around the Mouth *
13.Cold Hands or Feet *
14.Palpitations in the Chest *
15.Anxiety *

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